Friday, September 14, 2007


Ms Envy, since you have tagged me and my name starts with N.. hmm.. hahaha, okie, i have to find something different from yours, well, almost okie...

Here's how it works. Use the first letter of your name to answer each question. Must be real places,names....Nothing made up. Can't use own name for boy/girl's name question.

If you cant answer,skip it.

1. Famous Singer: Norah Jones

2. Four letter word: Neat!

3. Street: Nottingham

4. Color: Neutral

5. Gifts/Presents: Notepad

6. Vehicle: Nissan

7. Things in Souvenir Shop: Nemo Huggables

8. Boy Name: Nathan

9. Girl Name: Nurul Alisyah

10. Movie Title: Norbit

11. Drink: Naked Twister

12. Occupation: Nymph

13. Celebrity: N' Sync

14. Magazine: Newsweek

15. U.S. City: Newark

16. Pro Sports: Netball

17. Fruit: Nenas (pineapple in malay language)

18. Reason For Being Late To Work: Not sober

19. Something You Throw Away: Non-alcoholic drinks

20. Something You Shout: Not on my drink!

21. Cartoon Character: Non -Sequitur

I would like to tag CM and SuperN for this one..heheh


supernova said...

Reading this was good fun! You're a riot as always! :-)

I'll take it up soon too...

NorthBorneoGirl said...

thanks for doing the meme :) love the answers to #18 & 19 *lol*

Chandramohan 'CM' Kannan said...

alright!!! that seems interesting... will take it up... [:)]

Anonymous said...

Prasi, thanks!

M.E. heheh..yeah, that's me, i guess! hahah

CM! take it up please.. and soon! Dude, you're hibernating again! :D