Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Mush!

Sometimes I sit and ponder
The idiosyncrasies of life
I often wonder if a world exists
Outside our space and time.

If we took a rocket ship
And flew across our moon
Perhaps we'd land on Jupiter
And find an alien or two.

Sometimes I sit and wonder
If a butterfly feels pain
When It breaks from it's cocoon
And takes to flight again.

Or is the stars that twinkle
So brightly in the sky
Just a dim reflection of
The galaxy that's floating by.

Does it take a lot of time
To learn the scheme of things
Or why our National Anthem
Is too high for us to sing.

Is it really funny when
A child falls on their butt
Why drinking too much coffee
Gives us such a rush.

But mostly, I just sit here
Twittling my thumbs
Because I know that writer's block
Isn't any fun.
Especially when it comes to wishing you
Happy Birthday!

Most excerpts from – Twisted Heart

Birthday Wishes and Hugs from Lars and Idah

1 comment:

Brecht said...

Dearest Da~ You made me wanna cry! Thanks for much for the tribute babe! Hugs to you and Lars - Belum raya lu sudah make me melalak!! See u soon to get real hugs! Kisses from Nora to her mami Idah = )